Trento, Italy

ICT Days, born in 2009 on the initiative of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of WeNet coordinating partner University of Trento, are dedicated to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. Over the years, the event has become a meeting point of primary importance at local and national level between companies, teachers,…

Intelligenza Artificiale e diversità: il ruolo del fattore umano (AI and Diversity: The role of the human factor)

Aula Kessler, University of Trento, Via Verdi 26, Trento, Italy

  Il 19 aprile 2023 alle ore 17:30, presso l’Aula Kessler del Dipartimento di Sociologia e ricerca Sociale dell'Università di Trento (via Verdi 26), nell'ambito della quindicesima edizione degli ICT Days, si terrà un evento sul ruolo del fattore umano nell’AI, organizzato da WeNet Project in collaborazione con U-Hopper e con il  Dipartimento di Ingegneria…

ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)

Hamburg, Germany

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). CHI – pronounced ‘kai’ – annually brings together researchers and practitioners from all over the world and from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and positionalities, who have as an overarching goal to make the world a better place…

Symposium “Social Justice and Technological Futures”

University of Tübingen, Germany

The Tübingen Symposium will bring together critiques of unsettling trajectories as well as visions for alternative pathways. The event will question the canonical values in technology creation – scale, efficiency, and (big) data aggregation – while also exploring diverse and potentially competing social justice concepts. The Tübingen Symposium will give invited speakers the opportunity to…

International Conference on Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence (HHAI) 2023

Munich, Germany

Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence (HHAI2023) is the second international conference focusing on the study of Artificial Intelligent systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively and purposefully with humans, amplifying instead of replacing human intelligence. HHAI2023 is organised by the Dutch Hybrid Intelligence Center and the European HumaneAI Network, as the second conference in what we intend to become a…


Munich, Germany

  The increase in social media and Internet users’ exposure to diversity has not come with new instruments and skills to deal with it, despite the invariable impact that diversity has on human lives. This is the main theme of the multi-faceted event that WeNet is organising within the 2nd International Conference on Hybrid Human…