Latest Past Events

“Multidisciplinary Aspects of Diversity” – a WeNet Webinar


WeNet is organising this event as its 2nd Engagement Workshop, featuring presentations and debate on the multidisciplinary aspects of diversity central to WeNet's work. Learn more about WeNet's vision and objectives, and discover all the themes the partners are working on. Hear the guest talk by renowned computer science researcher Batya Friedman (University of Washington)…

Digital Day 2021


Digital Day 2021 will bring together Member States to discuss current and future challenges of digital technologies and commit to addressing them. Hosted by Thierry Breton, the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, this one-day event will include Ministers from Member States, Members of…

“Technology design and diversity: AI for democratic publics?”

Online from University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Laura Schelenz and Jessica Heesen from WeNet partner University of Tübingen will be holding this talk, streaming online from Tübingen - The talk will be in German. For more information: