European Big Data Value Forum 2020

Berlin and online

Towards a strong European Data and AI Ecosystem This event will offer a combination of physical sessions, organised in Berlin at the beautiful Kosmos venue, and online sessions. The programme will be structured around 9 main tracks each consisting of several main events and side activities; there will be four horizontal tracks and five vertical…

Signals from the future: emerging technologies in science journalism – FETFX Online workshop


FETFX, in collaboration with QUEST project – Quality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication – is organizing an online workshop on Emerging technologies in science journalism that will take place online on 4th and 5th November. This two-day, online workshop will be divided into four sessions, which will include three expert panels as well as the demonstration of an exciting new…

AI for Good: Future Challenges for AI and the Creative Economy (Webinar)


Taking place at the end of 2020, this webinar (part of the ongoing AI for Good Global Summit) will also open a forward-looking dialogue to reflect on the challenges ahead, up to 2030, but also to prepare for 2021, the United Nations Year for the Creative Economy. This webinar is part of the a series…

“Technology design and diversity: AI for democratic publics?”

Online from University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Laura Schelenz and Jessica Heesen from WeNet partner University of Tübingen will be holding this talk, streaming online from Tübingen - The talk will be in German. For more information:


RMIT University 124 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

UPDATE: due to the Covid-19 situation, this event has been postponed from the original July 2020 dates to the current 2021 dates.   ServDes.2020: Tensions / Paradoxes / Plurality As the field of service design matures, questions of the impact of its practices, including a robust evaluation of its methodological gaps, potentials, limitations and claims,…

“Women in Science – Emerging Technologies in an E-Learning Environment” Webinar


The DEL4ALL project, is organising a world café webinar for the 11th of February 2021 at 16.00hrs CET: the topic of the webinar is “Women in Science - Emerging Technologies in an E-Learning Environment” aligned with the International Day for Women in science. The panel will discuss the opportunity of blockchain in education and blockchain…

Digital Day 2021


Digital Day 2021 will bring together Member States to discuss current and future challenges of digital technologies and commit to addressing them. Hosted by Thierry Breton, the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, this one-day event will include Ministers from Member States, Members of…

30th The Web Conference

Online event

Welcome to 30. The Web Conference as a virtual conference. We invite you to join us from April 12-23, 2021. In our program you will find the first week of exclusive workshops & tutorials as well as a full week of The Web Conference program within April 19-23, 2021 with invited speakers and selected collocated events and special tracks: AI day, Web…

Think NEXUS project “Key NGI technologies in the EU-US context – second workshop”


Think NEXUS builds upon EU-US experiences for developing a common Future Internet agenda. This Workshop will notably build upon the outcomes of the workshop organised on 17th of February 2021. During this previous workshop, the participants identified the main technologies to prioritise for EU-US cooperation on Next Generation Internet (NGI). More information about these outcomes…

European Vision for AI 2021


The aim of this event is to present the joint activities in the area of AI research in Europe, as well as the emerging ecosystem of AI excellence, with an emphasis on the networks of AI centres of excellence established last September, to the general public with an interest in AI. The event will represent…

DEL4ALL workshop “How AI, ML, and Digital Games can change student learning success”


The workshop will focus on what role Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays in student's and teacher's everyday life, and how it can automate administrative duties for teachers and academic institutions. The event will also focus on how Machine learning (ML) is transforming education and fundamentally changing teaching, learning, and research and how digital games can improve…

NGI Forum 2021

Online event

The NGI Forum 2021 is the flagship event of the Next Generation Internet initiative, which brings together some of Europe’s top internet innovators who are shaping the Internet of Humans. An Internet that guarantees trust, privacy, and inclusion, while empowering people and addressing global sustainability challenges. Digital technologies and access to a safe and secure Internet have…
