WeNet presented at the Lernende Systeme annual conference

PD Dr. Jessica Heesen of University of Tübingen, presented WeNet at the Platform Lernende Systeme annual conference on July 2nd, 2019.

She participated in a panel discussion on the basic conditions for an ethical regulation of AI together with Martin Hirsch, Co-founder & Chief Medical Officer of ADA Health, Christoph Peylo, Global Head of Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence and Kristin Shi-Kupfer, Director, Research Area on Public Policy and Society of the Mercator Institute for China Studies. Dr Heesen stress the need of ethical standards for the regulation of AI in fields with a high impact on society and individuals, such as medicine, human resources recruitment processes and scholarships selection. On the other hand, she underlined that AI can be used for societal progress and individual benefit – as WeNe project is demonstrating – if we are aware of data protection, diversity and ethical implications.

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