Ai and Diversity – The Challenges and Perils of Profiling

On Saturday 19th June 2021, Ivano Bison and Giuseppe Veltri from WeNet partner University of Trento conducted a roundtable on AI and Diversity, within the programme of the 8th STS Italia Conference.

The conference is organized by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Trieste: the overarching theme this year was the complex and ambivalent role of technoscience and innovation in constituting societies, welcoming to the discussion empirical and theoretical contributions addressing diverse aspects of the social study of science, technology and innovation from different disciplines and fields, such as anthropology, economics, design, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, semiotics and sociology.

Representing WeNet at the roundtable also Project Coordinator Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento) and project partner George Gaskell (London School of Economics), which joined guests Fiorella Battaglia – Assistant Professor of Ethics and AI at LMU, Munich – and Vilma Scarpino, CEO of BVA-DOXA, leading company in market research.

A full recording of the roundtable is available here below and on WeNet’s Youtube channel: