WeNet team at work

The 2nd WeNet meeting took place in Copenhagen on 8-9 May, 2019, kindly hosted by Aarhus University.

“Our project kicked off just five months ago, but the team is already cohesive and working hastily towards the set-up of our platform. The first pre-pilot and preliminary studies are ongoing and we shall announce soon the first pilot in Mexico” commented Prof Fausto Giunchiglia, WeNet coordinator.

The meeting focused on three main discussions: the project’s overall progress, the conceptual design and architecture of the platform and the guiding ethical and privacy principles.

The dialogue around privacy, diversity, ethics, e-identity, users’ security was enriched by a multidisciplinary approach and the contribution of senior computer scientists, social studies experts, engineers and philosophers.

Before the end of the meeting we grouped in three teams, engaging all the participants in the “WeNet Ethical challenges” workshop. Several key issues were discussed: responsibility and accountability by design, operation and usage of the platform; data collection and processing transparency and trustworthiness, effects and design of the human – machine interface.

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